New Path.

October 30, 2014 § 2 Comments

I’ve been walking this path for a while now.

However today this path seems brand new. A slight feeling of different, like a shy girl telling her secrets for the first time. I have been yearning for newness. My Pisces nature makes it difficult for me to embrace routine. I really don’t like routine. Just the thought of it makes me bored. I am afraid I have a small attention span, and that I want to move on to the next thing prematurely.

This is my new path.

Previously before moving to Los Angeles, I had a glorious path. It was a quick walk from my apartment and hugged the coast line. It challenged me. “Don’t stop running until you get to the top!” The path opened up to me, gave me peace and clarity. Then when I thought I almost wasn’t going to make it, I would give it one last push and breathless make it to the top where the grand ocean would make me forget about my worries.

This was my old path.

ocean path

I miss the sense of vastness! Greatness! Mother Earth really showing off. Here in Los Angeles, you don’t get that feeling very easily. The city is surrounded by more city. You can venture to the coast, but for me it doesn’t quite feel the same because it has a man made feel to it. The natural beauty has diminished.

I must learn to embrace my new path. The universe has placed me here to learn something, gain experience, find a new adventure. It’s hard to embrace something new, when you miss the old and familiar. The best thing to do is to look at the new path with new eyes. I can’t look at this new path with old eyes for I will miss the old. I must look at this new path with new eyes to be curious and explore – I will find a new adventure.

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§ 2 Responses to New Path.

  • Juliet Jon says:

    At first I thought you are going to express anger because of the change of your path, but instead I found you positively considering your opportunities rather than crying over your lost path. Have a good ride 🙂

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