Falling back into my morning ritual.

November 3, 2013 § Leave a comment

I woke up wondering why I felt so rested…

Then I quickly realized that we all got an extra hour of sleep last night. Yes! Unintentionally that let me to fall back into my morning ritual, which I haven’t done since I moved to Los Angeles. Sleep is so precious to me! Since my move, I was having a hard time waking up early enough to enjoy my morning. I would just wake up, rush to get ready for work and go. Thankfully to Fall Back, I can have my morning moments again.

It’s important to set your intentions before starting your day- to send the positive vibes out into the universe! Plus a little warm cup of tea and Pandora playing always makes me feel grounded and ready for the day. Happy Sunny Day Everyone!

Morning Tea

It’s just one of those days.

February 8, 2013 § Leave a comment

When you don’t want to be alone.

When you realize your circle of friends has shrunk to a unimaginable size. Where you find yourself giving into temptation and losing all thoughts to never ending questions.

How about I take this day, and shove it! I declare that I will not give away my joy. I will not dwell on my faults, past hurts and unanswered questions. I will dwell on my strenghts, my successes and the knowledge that everything will be okay because God loves me.  He has great plans for me, and I just have to be willing and open to recieve his love.

Today is just one of those days when I realize I am not alone.


Create a Morning Ritual.

December 2, 2011 § 1 Comment

Every morning I open my eyes, and say thank you for another day.

Slowly I drink a cup of tea and feel the warmth spreading through my body.

I read something. Magazines, books… anything to keep my mind sharp and make me strive to be a better person.

A few minutes of yoga helps me focus on my breathing and recharge.

I meditate to calm my mind.

You may not have control over everything that happens in your life, but the tone you set first thing in the morning can influence everything that comes next.

Tips to creating your morning ritual:

  1. Give yourself some time every morning just “to be” and relax.
  2. There should be no thoughts on what you have to do that day. This time should be purely lived in the moment.
  3. Start your day positively by remembering what makes you happy or by being thankful for what you have.
  4. Give yourself something to look forward to every morning by doing that one thing you always said you never have time to do.

You define it.

November 6, 2011 § Leave a comment

Don’t ask what the meaning of life is, because you define it.

This saying really resonated with me.

You ever feel like you’re in a runt? Stuck? Lost? Blah blah blah the list can go on. I felt like that recently until I realized I let my life go out of balance. It’s so weird because I didn’t even realize it until it hit me hard.  I let the not so fun things in life take over the fun things in my life. I felt non-motivated, and at times negative.

I realized I wasn’t living my every day the way I wanted. I recall making it my mission to do something different every single day bringing excitement and adventure. Even the small things counted. I remember taking the time to do the things that made me happy. Time to re-balance my life again.

I believe the following to be true:

[Our mind is magnetically attracted to the negative. It drags up difficult memories and chews on them, over and over. It keeps trying to change the outcome. “If only I had said that, then he would have… ” The past is gone. We cannot change its outcome, except by changing ourselves, and that can only be done in the present. The mind thinks up dreadful things that might occur in the future. “What if the economy collapses and there isn’t enough food and people come to our door with guns…” The mind thinks that it is doing its job, protecting us from danger, but it is actually making us more fearful and tense.

To transform the unhappy mind, turn it toward finding even one thing it can be grateful for.]

Excerpt from http://www.tricycle.com/blog/deeper-lessons-gratitude-end-day

So that’s my new mission…

Today, I am grateful for my place on this earth.

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