It’s Time.

September 4, 2016 § Leave a comment

My heart is telling me it’s time to sit down and write. It’s very interesting when the mood suddenly strikes me. This time, it was loud and clear.

I met a lovely new friend through my wine business who invited me over for a dinner party last night. She was making bolognese with zucchini noodles! I brought one of my delicious bottles of Pinot Noir from Bordeaux, which would be the perfect pairing. I drove upcountry to the beautiful rugged cowboy town Makawao. The light drizzle was refreshing coming from the desert south side of Maui. As I stepped out of the car, the fresh rain smell enveloped me. Li greeted me at her front door, and said you are the first one here! The dramatic storm had just slightly turned opposite of Maui, and somber clouds were left instead of a full on hurricane. The sunset was trying to peacock through the clouds, but only the slightest dull pink was left in the sky. I imagined how lovely the sunset would have been on a clear day from her large bay windows. What a special place to live.

I was the youngest among the three other women, and oh how they were inspiring! All of them have their own businesses, worked on unique projects, traveled the world… and yet somehow here we all were sitting around the table looking for something more. It seemed we all were hoping to find a real true peace in our hearts. The question was how, and what do we do to find it?

Two of the other women had grown up in Maui, and myself and Li have been living in Maui for around a year. It just reminded me of how special Maui is, and the female goddess energy that surrounds us. It is very healing, and provides when you ask, listen and do the work. Somehow Maui had called us all here. It was time to listen and figure out why.

That continues to be the question burning in my heart, but last night showed great potential on creating a new community, connection and direction towards that answer. My ascendant horoscope in Scorpio said that I have come to my “Eat, Pray, Love Cycle” and that if I’ve been questioning wat I am supposed to be doing, or be with then I should be ready to embark on a deep journey externally and internally. Now, I have read and watched the movie Eat, Pray, Love and always thought one day I would experience my own moments as Elizabeth Gilbert did. When I hared this at the dinner party, Li proclaimed let this be your journey to Italy!


“I’ve come to believe that there exists in the universe something I call “The Physics of The Quest” — a force of nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity or momentum. And the rule of Quest Physics maybe goes like this: “If you are brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting (which can be anything from your house to your bitter old resentments) and set out on a truth-seeking journey (either externally or internally), and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared – most of all – to face (and forgive) some very difficult realities about yourself… then truth will not be withheld from you.” Or so I’ve come to believe.” ― Elizabeth GilbertEat, Pray, Love






November 9, 2014.

March 1, 2016 § Leave a comment

You ever wake up and have that feeling you don’t want to lay in bed anymore?

You have to get up and do something? That’s how it started for me this morning. My internal clock usually wakes me at 7am, but today I slept in until 8am  – then wide awake. No extra yawning, watery eyes, lazy feelings… nothing. I made myself my morning cup of tea and checked my horoscope. Hmm something in there about “life changing” stuff happening next week. I’ll keep my eye open for it.

Rolled out my purple yoga mat and put on Yoga with Adriene. Love her!

20 minutes later… still felt like I needed to do something.

I put on my kick ass running shorts, gear and Reebok “moon” sneakers (they literally make me feel like I defy gravity). I slather on my Coola sunscreen, put on my aviators and shoot out the door.  The breeze is AMAZING! The sun is out, but I’m not burning from the Los Angeles heat yet. It’s still early. I purposely didn’t bring my headphones or iPhone to really take in my surroundings. I pass the other apartment buildings, Dr. Sebi’s office and cross the street into a more residential area with homes lining straight to the park I want to go to.

I keep running. Shade. Sun. Shade. Sun. This breeze is AMAZING! I’m happy I got out of the house. Sometimes it just feels so confined. I feel free. FREE. I get to the park. I find a small workout area and try to hold myself up on the bars and do lower body crunches. I’m too short and only get in five crunches. I leave the park and keep running finding myself on my familiar path – all to myself. No one is in sight.

I don’t have work until 1pm. I’ll keep running. I don’t care about time. I just want to keep breathing in this AMAZING morning air. I just want to be FREE. The sweat is pouring out of me now. The warmth of the sun is beginning to build. The cars are passing me by, but their stories are oblivious. I’m in my own world.

I finally make my way back towards home. Legs are in full swing and muscles loose. As I take the steps up to my door, I am immediately greeted by my boyfriend, who had cracked open the front door to let the nice breeze in.

“You got a text. Someone from work.” he says. “What did they say?” I plop on the couch and untie my shoes. Whoo, feels good to sit for a second.

“…asking to be taken off the schedule, headache.” he says.

Here we go, back at it again. I have already stripped down ready for my shower. I’m naked now in front of my laptop typing in the spa scheduling website. I review the flow of the day… quiet Sunday. I quickly manipulate the schedule, put in a sick block, and jump in the shower.

“Blog Post from November 9, 2014.”

Good Morning.

November 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

Tis time to turn back time. Fall back.

I just changed the clock on the microwave. The only “normal” clock in the house. The cell phones and lap tops are automatically changed like magic – thank goodness or I might have forgotten.

The coolness is creeping into Los Angeles. The windows in the apartment have all been shut to keep whatever warmth we have left remain. The seasons don’t change in Los Angeles, really. It’s 56 degrees now at 8:16am, but the week will still be tracking 70’s and 80’s with sunshine. The mornings and nights just get a tad cooler, which makes me feel happy inside. I can have that cozy feeling. I can pretend that drinking hot chocolate in 70 degree weather is normal. I will soon put up the Christmas tree. It’s that Winter holiday spirit that is creeping into Los Angeles and inside me. I love it!

It makes me want to watch Harry Potter. And Sleepless in Seattle. And The Grinch!

Something changes in me during this time. It’s a warm feeling despite the coolness in the air.


November 8, 2013 § Leave a comment

It’s going on six months now living in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles – the place I never dreamed of living. I believed it was just too big and full of materialistic lies. Well it is too big, full of traffic and materialistic lies! But, don’t get me wrong, I am really starting to like living in Los Angeles…it also happens to be the land of opportunity and filled with people and places that surprise:

The uniqueness of each neighborhood, delicious restaurants in every type of cuisine imaginable, a challenging hike to breathtaking views of the city, movement and excitement, Koreatown and Korean spas, an abundance of wellness conscience people and businesses, seeing or meeting someone famous is practically a common occurrence, billboards on every street, the feeling that something amazing is happening right now…

Like most of us, I have my nostalgic moments too. I miss the small town feel and simpler ways of life from my hometown:

Endless days at the beach, no traffic, being able to walk or ride my bike to work, free parking, living close to my family and friends, bigger apartment, bbqs on the back patio, the city was only a short drive away, the Wharf’s clam chowder, the feeling of fall and scarves, chai latte at my favorite café…

Change is inevitable, but those who embrace it succeed. That is what I am doing here in Los Angeles. Who knows how long I will stay, or where I’ll end up next. I’m just going with the flow, and thankful for every moment I am here.

My mom loves to remind me every time I talk to her,

“Just be happy, life is too short.”

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