Good Morning.

November 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

Tis time to turn back time. Fall back.

I just changed the clock on the microwave. The only “normal” clock in the house. The cell phones and lap tops are automatically changed like magic – thank goodness or I might have forgotten.

The coolness is creeping into Los Angeles. The windows in the apartment have all been shut to keep whatever warmth we have left remain. The seasons don’t change in Los Angeles, really. It’s 56 degrees now at 8:16am, but the week will still be tracking 70’s and 80’s with sunshine. The mornings and nights just get a tad cooler, which makes me feel happy inside. I can have that cozy feeling. I can pretend that drinking hot chocolate in 70 degree weather is normal. I will soon put up the Christmas tree. It’s that Winter holiday spirit that is creeping into Los Angeles and inside me. I love it!

It makes me want to watch Harry Potter. And Sleepless in Seattle. And The Grinch!

Something changes in me during this time. It’s a warm feeling despite the coolness in the air.


November 8, 2013 § Leave a comment

It’s going on six months now living in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles – the place I never dreamed of living. I believed it was just too big and full of materialistic lies. Well it is too big, full of traffic and materialistic lies! But, don’t get me wrong, I am really starting to like living in Los Angeles…it also happens to be the land of opportunity and filled with people and places that surprise:

The uniqueness of each neighborhood, delicious restaurants in every type of cuisine imaginable, a challenging hike to breathtaking views of the city, movement and excitement, Koreatown and Korean spas, an abundance of wellness conscience people and businesses, seeing or meeting someone famous is practically a common occurrence, billboards on every street, the feeling that something amazing is happening right now…

Like most of us, I have my nostalgic moments too. I miss the small town feel and simpler ways of life from my hometown:

Endless days at the beach, no traffic, being able to walk or ride my bike to work, free parking, living close to my family and friends, bigger apartment, bbqs on the back patio, the city was only a short drive away, the Wharf’s clam chowder, the feeling of fall and scarves, chai latte at my favorite café…

Change is inevitable, but those who embrace it succeed. That is what I am doing here in Los Angeles. Who knows how long I will stay, or where I’ll end up next. I’m just going with the flow, and thankful for every moment I am here.

My mom loves to remind me every time I talk to her,

“Just be happy, life is too short.”

Falling back into my morning ritual.

November 3, 2013 § Leave a comment

I woke up wondering why I felt so rested…

Then I quickly realized that we all got an extra hour of sleep last night. Yes! Unintentionally that let me to fall back into my morning ritual, which I haven’t done since I moved to Los Angeles. Sleep is so precious to me! Since my move, I was having a hard time waking up early enough to enjoy my morning. I would just wake up, rush to get ready for work and go. Thankfully to Fall Back, I can have my morning moments again.

It’s important to set your intentions before starting your day- to send the positive vibes out into the universe! Plus a little warm cup of tea and Pandora playing always makes me feel grounded and ready for the day. Happy Sunny Day Everyone!

Morning Tea

Take a moment.

November 2, 2013 § Leave a comment

Have you ever felt like life is overwhelming?

Like you can’t breathe, and all thoughts are racing in your mind, indecision and negative thoughts clouding any potential chance of sunshine?

I have been feeling like that lately. So much has changed in my life in such a short amount of time, it was hard for me to take a moment to myself. I still feel that I am struggling to truly unwind. Looking back over this crazy, intense last year… I was laid off, went through a break up, constantly on a job hunt, helped my Dad move across the country, found an awesome job, purchased a new car, moved to a BIG city, got stupid BIG city parking tickets, missed my mom during her injury, fell in love all over again, just got a new boss…


I see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. I have faith that my moment will come, it’s just not now. There is no break for me. I must continue to hike through this, and don’t stop until I get to the top… oh wait… now I have to climb back down. I feel so out of tune with myself, my soul, my life. I just feel like I am on auto-pilot.

Life is an ongoing non-stop collection of moments. I just want a moment to myself.

That is how I found myself here again. I missed it. This moment to just be. Curling up with my Cozy Pages. This place used to be such a comfort to me. I remember starting this blog in college! The random thoughts I had back then. It makes me laugh when I re-read my posts.

I haven’t changed that much I don’t think. I am still that random girl with a childish dream-  just now in a different place and time… maybe with a different dream now. I am still trying to figure that part out. Well I am here now to take a moment, and never forget who that girl is no matter how overwhelming life gets.


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