Falling back into my morning ritual.

November 3, 2013 § Leave a comment

I woke up wondering why I felt so rested…

Then I quickly realized that we all got an extra hour of sleep last night. Yes! Unintentionally that let me to fall back into my morning ritual, which I haven’t done since I moved to Los Angeles. Sleep is so precious to me! Since my move, I was having a hard time waking up early enough to enjoy my morning. I would just wake up, rush to get ready for work and go. Thankfully to Fall Back, I can have my morning moments again.

It’s important to set your intentions before starting your day- to send the positive vibes out into the universe! Plus a little warm cup of tea and Pandora playing always makes me feel grounded and ready for the day. Happy Sunny Day Everyone!

Morning Tea


December 17, 2009 § 4 Comments

Today is one of those days when I have absolutely nothing to write. So I shall write about nothing. Completely and utterly blank. I think that might be because I had coffee this morning- and I never have coffee. But someone had brought home-made brownies at work with the cute little Christmas sprinkles…I couldn’t pass it up. It was calling my name. I needed something to counter the loads of chocolate going into my system! I must be at that crashing point. Blah. I wonder how the world got addicted to coffee? I can’t do it. Especially how it makes your breathe smell like shit after drinking it. I remember back in high school- I had this math teacher and whenever I needed help with a problem…he would come over to my desk with his coffee mug in hand…lean in…and explain the problem with his stinky coffee breathe seaping out into the universe ::shudder:: I still get grossed out thinking about it. Thank goodness for the invention of delicious tea and all the assorted flavors! ❤

Getting sick.

November 11, 2008 § Leave a comment

teacup1Tea and soup warm me, but it doesn’t last long. My stomach churns. My head spins. My body feels weak. I’ve never had the flu. I hope it doesn’t decide to make me it’s new home. 

Just hours before I had to leave for work, I had the urge to sleep. I woke up right when I was suppose to leave for work. At that moment, I knew that sickness had overcome me. I felt out of body and mind when I drove to work, only to be sent back home to get better. I must rest. I must sleep.

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