
March 3, 2012 § Leave a comment

you ever awake with a new sense of __________ (fill in the blank). peace. purpose. understanding. happiness.

my list can go on and on. how is it that our mind can go to bed and wake up with yesterday’s worries gone? i appreciate that. i feel grateful that i will always know that in the morning everything will be alright.


Ok, seriously who cooks in the relationship?

November 18, 2011 § Leave a comment

Is it bad that when I was growing up that I was always thankful for my meal, but I never was the one to be excited to help my Mom cook? I didn’t really become interested in cooking until about my senior year in college. You don’t even need to cook in college with all the amazing food readily available through meal plans. I remember going to the omelet bar and getting a delicious breakfast with all my favorite veggies and meat. Sushi for lunch. Dinner would be a well-balanced meal of fish, rice and veggies. What more could a girl ask for? With a state-of-the-art gym and amazing nutrition, I was looking my best!

It wasn’t until I seriously started dating that cooking started to appeal to me. Many women say, “A man’s heart is through his stomach.” Isn’t that the truth!

Who cooks the best? Is it you? Or your other half? Or is dining out more appealing?

After being blessed with men in my life who know how to cook, I no longer take any meal for granted after experiencing first hand the love and energy it takes. They were the ones that taught me a thing or two.

Truthfully, I love to cook for my man. However, it is a trade off. It’s totally a two way street with me in the kitchen. I cook breakfast, you cook dinner 🙂 That’s how I roll.

BTW, a man behind a grill, is all right with me! Grilled shrimp, salmon kabobs, MMmm!

I’m just blessed to have a man that cooks for me ❤

Thinking to Rain.

November 5, 2011 § 1 Comment

My apartment is old. Once you turn on the heater, all is warm and cozy… but soon enough the chill is crawling right up my back. Bad insulation. Old apartment. I love throwing my pj’s on the floor on top of the floor vent to warm them up before I slip in them, then I slip under the bed covers real fast hoping to extend the longevity of the warmth. Do you ever remember your mom doing the laundry, and as soon as the dryer was done she would throw the biggest blanket on top of you… soo soft, soo warm! I miss that.

Sitting here in solitude. Listening to the sound of the rain. Relaxed.  It brings me back to here, to right now. You can’t listen to the rain without being in the moment. It’s a beautiful moment for me.

beautiful rain photography 13 Beautiful Rain Photography

Everlasting Christmas Sparkle.

November 4, 2011 § Leave a comment

I walked through Beverly’s today. Snowflakes and crystal chandeliers  hung from the ceiling. After pointing out the glorified decorations, my friend duly noted “Looks amazing, but what sucks is putting it up, then having to take it all down.” True. But you know…once October comes around it’s non-stop decorating to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and NEW YEARS! There are people that make a hobby of it. I just stop and admire those houses that seems to be decorated with such care, obviously not just thrown together quickly for the sake of not being bare. One day when I have my own home, I’ll be sure to make it a hobby.

I’m looking forward to this Holiday season. Every year, around this same time there is something dormant deep inside me that comes alive, a sort of childhood excitement. I can’t help it, and I’m sure it won’t ever disappear. It makes me want to start playing Christmas tunes in November, and drink hot cocoa by the fire. I feel like my Christmas spirit begins in November, and doesn’t want to end until a week after New Years.

This holiday season, I hope to share my excitement to those who have lost it, and help bring laughter to those with broken hearts.

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