Ladies Only.

November 5, 2013 § Leave a comment

I believe it essential to find balance.

Being a 20-something female in this ever-changing and tempting world…

I must find balance for my own sanity, for my family and friend’s sanity, and to really shine at work and in life!

Ladies, if you find yourself feeling a bit off, not motivated, not your usual self, having emotional swings, or whatever… it could very well be that what you are consuming, even a simple lifestyle routine that could be affecting your brain and hormones in your body. Hormones are not something to be conscience about just when you are an older woman going through menopause!

Most of us are trained to focus on our heart health by doing cardio, or watch your liver and digestion! But, if you truly want to watch your health, it really starts with your brain. Who knew that thing up there was really the culprit? If you really think about it, we can’t function or do anything without our brain. It is the one sending us signals throughout our entire body! To be our BEST selves, we need to be aware of what our daily actions are doing to the most important organ in our body.

If you are tired of feeling negative, and want to reset, take a moment to pick up this book!  Read through the chapters that are relevant to you. You won’t regret it. It is so insightful!

Must Have

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain

Take a moment.

November 2, 2013 § Leave a comment

Have you ever felt like life is overwhelming?

Like you can’t breathe, and all thoughts are racing in your mind, indecision and negative thoughts clouding any potential chance of sunshine?

I have been feeling like that lately. So much has changed in my life in such a short amount of time, it was hard for me to take a moment to myself. I still feel that I am struggling to truly unwind. Looking back over this crazy, intense last year… I was laid off, went through a break up, constantly on a job hunt, helped my Dad move across the country, found an awesome job, purchased a new car, moved to a BIG city, got stupid BIG city parking tickets, missed my mom during her injury, fell in love all over again, just got a new boss…


I see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. I have faith that my moment will come, it’s just not now. There is no break for me. I must continue to hike through this, and don’t stop until I get to the top… oh wait… now I have to climb back down. I feel so out of tune with myself, my soul, my life. I just feel like I am on auto-pilot.

Life is an ongoing non-stop collection of moments. I just want a moment to myself.

That is how I found myself here again. I missed it. This moment to just be. Curling up with my Cozy Pages. This place used to be such a comfort to me. I remember starting this blog in college! The random thoughts I had back then. It makes me laugh when I re-read my posts.

I haven’t changed that much I don’t think. I am still that random girl with a childish dream-  just now in a different place and time… maybe with a different dream now. I am still trying to figure that part out. Well I am here now to take a moment, and never forget who that girl is no matter how overwhelming life gets.


Pinky Promise.

November 22, 2011 § 3 Comments

The binding made with a pinky promise goes far beyond the verbal agreement. In my family it is the same as writing your name in blood. We take the pinky promise to a whole other level.

Keeping the family tradition intact, I made a pinky promise to myself (yes you can do that), and of course brought my boyfriend in on it. We promised that as our relationship grows we are not going to be that ‘BORING’ couple. We are going to keep things fresh, exciting and romantic.

It is no lie that relationships take hard work. I started dating as a freshman in high school. Back then that was definitely puppy love…how hearts were easily broken, and new distractions prevailed. My first love was in college. Lasted five good and bad years. It took me until the very end to realize that I can’t change someone to be right for me no matter how much we said we loved each other. And you know what happened? He finally did things he always said he was going to do after we broke up. That alone made me realize we were never meant to be.

A man is supposed to want to be his best when he is with you, and he must take action to prove himself. Same for a woman. She must want to be her best with her man, and prove herself through her actions. You can’t just say “I Love You” and call it a day. Love means taking action, showing the person that you care, that you will be with them even through their darkest hour. Not giving up your love so easily, unless there is none left to hold on to. Take the initiative to have a date night. Keep the passion alive because it sure doesn’t stick around if you don’t use it.

There are going to be times when you can’t even stand to be in the same room together, and that’s okay. Every person is their own individual, and somethings you just have to learn to let go. Try not to be so stubborn in your own ways. Being in a relationship is a two-way street. If all else fails in the moment, a lil’ loving never hurts… just don’t let that be the solution to everything. Communication takes patience and the want to find a solution.

I’ve heard stories and seen broken hearts, my own has been broken, and I have broken some hearts myself. It is an unfortunate circle, but a lesson in life. Through my relationships, I have learned of who I am more than any other experience. When you find the right person, during your best or worst, they will build you up and not break you down. That is a very powerful thing. That is worth fighting for.

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