The blank page.

November 17, 2012 § 1 Comment

Editor of Writer’s Digest Jessica Strawser wrote:

“It’s said that in life, there are two types of people: those who look at the glass as half empty, and those who see it as half full. But in the writing life, I think it really comes down to how we view the blank page: those of us who find it exciting – full of possibility, hope, even adventure – and those who see it as intimidating – capable of inducing guilt, anxiety, even dread.”

I agree. Just as in life, I am conscious of my right to choose – words – and give it my all when I write. Each moment is presented, then gone.  Each book is read, unfolding an experience, then closed. We are only left with memories of how we felt during each experience, each reading. I want to invoke feelings of inspiration, happiness, hope and love.

Everyday is like a blank page. I love waking up in the morning refreshed as if my internal reset button was pushed. That alone is inspiring and hopeful to me. I am ready to take on the world, and write to my heart’s content. That is happiness and love.

I know my purpose in life is to write, spark creativity and help others – I just have yet to find my medium on how I am going to accomplish it.  I find myself more at peace when I write. Why do you write?

Eyes wide open.

November 16, 2012 § Leave a comment

It is 1:24 a.m.

Nights like this when I can’t go to sleep, even after trying really hard, there are only two things left to do….

Where Am I?

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