
November 19, 2008 § Leave a comment

Waiting for the bus. Hmm. Doesn’t sound all glamorous and actually it is quite annoying. Yet, I can’t and shouldn’t complain. The public transit is free to Chico State students. It beats walking 45 minutes from my apartment to campus. (I’ve walked it a couple of times.) Despite that I still don’t want to waste my gas on driving to school, with also the hassle of finding a spot and paying that stupid parking meter, I can’t believe gas is $2.05 right now. I havn’t seen that in a couple of years! Just the idea that I use to pay almost $5 a gallon makes me feel weak. Now I can fill up my tank for less than $20! That is such a proud feeling. I hated paying over $40 – for my little Nissan NX 2000. That’s crazy talk. So apparently, something is making the gas prices go down. Hopefully it isn’t that oil is almost gone from the world. I hope that the smart people in the world will hurry to make our world more sustainable. I don’t want to end up living in a world like the Matrix where the real world was dark, dangerous and dirty. Let’s just hope that good things come with Obama! 🙂

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