Twilight Series.

December 4, 2008 § Leave a comment

Well I guess it was about time I wrote about the Twilight series. I’ll just jump on the bandwagon – here it goes. Soo I know practically everyday Twilight is being read by a new person. My roommate even counts how many people she sees on campus reading one of the books. HA! It cracks me up. This stuff spreads like wildfire. It was even more funny once the movie started getting more press. Even more people ran to get Twilight because they wanted to read the book before the movie came out. My roommate was the one that let me borrow all the books to read. I’m on page 320 of Breaking Dawn (the fourth book). I’m not going to lie, during the summer when I had nothing else to do…I was technically addicted to reading the Twilight books. I read the first three books in the spand of my two week vacation in Mexico. This last book, is taken me longer to read now that school and work have taken over. I do have two weeks to finish Breaking Dawn, because I’m moving back home after I graduate and will need to give it back to my roommate. So every night before I go to bed, I’ve been trying to read as much as I can before my eyes start wanting to close.


I really enjoyed reading the first three books. This last book however…took a random turn that I wasn’t expecting at all. I still like it, it’s just taking more time for me to get into it. I am VERY curious how Stephanie Meyer will end it all.

Also, the movie I have to say was hilarious! I was expecting something a little more serious and romantic, but I think it was just hard to act this type of story. Either way I enjoyed it. I think everyone did the best they could and it will be more exciting to see New Moon when it comes out!

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