2.5 Weeks of College Left.

December 3, 2008 § Leave a comment

College is offically over for me on Friday, December 19, 2008. I can’t believe this day finally has come. Now I have to become an adult and live my own life to support myself. How exciting. I was thinking the other day it would be awesome to be able to join the Air Force or Navy and be a Public Affairs Officer. From searching online, there are like two jobs in Monterey Bay that are remotely close to my major and so I’m limited on my options. At least if I join the military, I get all my basic needs taken care of. That’s all I’m worried about. Housing, Food and Health. Those are the things these days that are the most expensive. The basic needs should be available and afforable for ALL! I don’t want to live off my mom, because she has already supported me for so long and has paid for a lot of my crazy last minute traveling opportunities. She literally has tried her best to helped me through anything that I have asked of her. Now it’s my turn to take care of myself and treat my mom.

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