Good Morning.

November 2, 2014 § Leave a comment

Tis time to turn back time. Fall back.

I just changed the clock on the microwave. The only “normal” clock in the house. The cell phones and lap tops are automatically changed like magic – thank goodness or I might have forgotten.

The coolness is creeping into Los Angeles. The windows in the apartment have all been shut to keep whatever warmth we have left remain. The seasons don’t change in Los Angeles, really. It’s 56 degrees now at 8:16am, but the week will still be tracking 70’s and 80’s with sunshine. The mornings and nights just get a tad cooler, which makes me feel happy inside. I can have that cozy feeling. I can pretend that drinking hot chocolate in 70 degree weather is normal. I will soon put up the Christmas tree. It’s that Winter holiday spirit that is creeping into Los Angeles and inside me. I love it!

It makes me want to watch Harry Potter. And Sleepless in Seattle. And The Grinch!

Something changes in me during this time. It’s a warm feeling despite the coolness in the air.

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