As it is right now.

October 14, 2012 § Leave a comment

So let’s see. This is my life as I know it right now.

#1 I’m happy, but not content.

#2 Laundry is in the wash.

#3 I find myself always dreaming about doing or being somewhere else.

#4 Oprah just told me that I’m a highly sensitive person.

#5 I found a new goal, I just need to learn how to commit.

#6 I am good at many things, but master of nothing because I always quit.

#7 Now, on to mastering the art of committment.

You are my opposite and I am attracted to you.

October 6, 2012 § Leave a comment

I am attracted to you.

It seems I can’t help myself, my feelings… my cravings for you. The thing is you are my opposite. Doesn’t that seem strange to you? Or maybe it’s the way of the universe.  I mean after all you can’t put two positive or negative ends of a battery together… they will just pull away from each other. Maybe that’s why I fit so well in your arms, and your lips so well with mine.

We both have qualities that bring out the best or worst in each other, and being in this relationship for a while now- we have learned to find balance between each other. I am thankful that somehow by fate we met – when you took the chance to say hello even though you didn’t know me. My life will forever be changed because of you.

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