
June 12, 2012 § Leave a comment

I find myself without a friend I can truly call to hang out with. I feel an emptiness. A relationship with your love, can only fullfill you so much. Without a friend to call my own, something is missing. Much has changed, people move on, move away, get new jobs, new schedules. Now that I have gotten a new job, a steady schedule and actually have free time… it seems difficult to find people to surround my lonliness with. What’s a girl to do?

It’s time to create a new adventure. To put myself out there, to find some new friends. Sure I have best friends, but they don’t live here. And when I want to invite someone out or need support, those best friends can only do so much. Who knew making friends would be so hard? Esp. since now my job consists of only me, the president and vice president. Not much for finding new friends at the workplace.

So much has changed. After leaving my position as assistant spa manager, I don’t have providers, concierge, hotel managers calling or asking me questions anymore.  I don’t have customers complaining. I’m not ON CALL 24-7. Life is quite and peaceful, but right now it feels empty. Spa life is all I’ve known for the past three years, I guess it takes some time for me to transition. Now I work in a Public Relations Agency…lots of research and writing. It’s what I got my degree in. I think I like it. I hope I grow to like it more. I’ve had a PR job before, but this is the real deal… outside of college. So I will work hard and see where things go.

I shall always keep an open mind, and an open heart. I shall hope that I find a friend. A friend that takes the time to understand me, and have similar interests and good humor.

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