Create a Morning Ritual.

December 2, 2011 § 1 Comment

Every morning I open my eyes, and say thank you for another day.

Slowly I drink a cup of tea and feel the warmth spreading through my body.

I read something. Magazines, books… anything to keep my mind sharp and make me strive to be a better person.

A few minutes of yoga helps me focus on my breathing and recharge.

I meditate to calm my mind.

You may not have control over everything that happens in your life, but the tone you set first thing in the morning can influence everything that comes next.

Tips to creating your morning ritual:

  1. Give yourself some time every morning just “to be” and relax.
  2. There should be no thoughts on what you have to do that day. This time should be purely lived in the moment.
  3. Start your day positively by remembering what makes you happy or by being thankful for what you have.
  4. Give yourself something to look forward to every morning by doing that one thing you always said you never have time to do.

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