Pinky Promise.

November 22, 2011 § 3 Comments

The binding made with a pinky promise goes far beyond the verbal agreement. In my family it is the same as writing your name in blood. We take the pinky promise to a whole other level.

Keeping the family tradition intact, I made a pinky promise to myself (yes you can do that), and of course brought my boyfriend in on it. We promised that as our relationship grows we are not going to be that ‘BORING’ couple. We are going to keep things fresh, exciting and romantic.

It is no lie that relationships take hard work. I started dating as a freshman in high school. Back then that was definitely puppy love…how hearts were easily broken, and new distractions prevailed. My first love was in college. Lasted five good and bad years. It took me until the very end to realize that I can’t change someone to be right for me no matter how much we said we loved each other. And you know what happened? He finally did things he always said he was going to do after we broke up. That alone made me realize we were never meant to be.

A man is supposed to want to be his best when he is with you, and he must take action to prove himself. Same for a woman. She must want to be her best with her man, and prove herself through her actions. You can’t just say “I Love You” and call it a day. Love means taking action, showing the person that you care, that you will be with them even through their darkest hour. Not giving up your love so easily, unless there is none left to hold on to. Take the initiative to have a date night. Keep the passion alive because it sure doesn’t stick around if you don’t use it.

There are going to be times when you can’t even stand to be in the same room together, and that’s okay. Every person is their own individual, and somethings you just have to learn to let go. Try not to be so stubborn in your own ways. Being in a relationship is a two-way street. If all else fails in the moment, a lil’ loving never hurts… just don’t let that be the solution to everything. Communication takes patience and the want to find a solution.

I’ve heard stories and seen broken hearts, my own has been broken, and I have broken some hearts myself. It is an unfortunate circle, but a lesson in life. Through my relationships, I have learned of who I am more than any other experience. When you find the right person, during your best or worst, they will build you up and not break you down. That is a very powerful thing. That is worth fighting for.

Ok, seriously who cooks in the relationship?

November 18, 2011 § Leave a comment

Is it bad that when I was growing up that I was always thankful for my meal, but I never was the one to be excited to help my Mom cook? I didn’t really become interested in cooking until about my senior year in college. You don’t even need to cook in college with all the amazing food readily available through meal plans. I remember going to the omelet bar and getting a delicious breakfast with all my favorite veggies and meat. Sushi for lunch. Dinner would be a well-balanced meal of fish, rice and veggies. What more could a girl ask for? With a state-of-the-art gym and amazing nutrition, I was looking my best!

It wasn’t until I seriously started dating that cooking started to appeal to me. Many women say, “A man’s heart is through his stomach.” Isn’t that the truth!

Who cooks the best? Is it you? Or your other half? Or is dining out more appealing?

After being blessed with men in my life who know how to cook, I no longer take any meal for granted after experiencing first hand the love and energy it takes. They were the ones that taught me a thing or two.

Truthfully, I love to cook for my man. However, it is a trade off. It’s totally a two way street with me in the kitchen. I cook breakfast, you cook dinner 🙂 That’s how I roll.

BTW, a man behind a grill, is all right with me! Grilled shrimp, salmon kabobs, MMmm!

I’m just blessed to have a man that cooks for me ❤

A New Day.

November 18, 2011 § 1 Comment

I just have to say it.

We like to think that money doesn’t run the world, but who are we really kidding? I need money to keep a roof over my head, to put food in my fridge, to drive around town and hang out with friends.

It seems that as fast as money comes in, that’s as fast as it goes. I like to think myself as financially responsible, especially after I chopped up all my credit cards! I’m doing well for myself.

But, I just have to say it. Every pay day feels like a brand new day.


Inkling to Travel.

November 12, 2011 § 2 Comments

My soul is a traveling one. It constantly wants to reach beyond the horizon, and experience all life has to offer.

Shockingly looking back through my 2011 calendar, I have only traveled once this year. So far during my 25 years on this earth, I have been fortunate to travel more than many will in their lifetime. Some wish for it, some don’t even imagine. My soul yearns for it. It will not rest until the next adventure is underway.

How do I ease my ever wandering soul?

I think about leaving it all behind sometimes. Join the Peace Corps. Teach English Abroad. Help Non-Profits Internationally. Ooo! International Spy! Anything to live a traveling life of adventure.

You ever feel like you were here for something bigger than your present situation? Perhaps a calling so to speak? How do you know what you are truly supposed to do? It seems either way you choose is a risk.

My soul keeps close. It keeps watch of the path I am creating for myself. It questions me all the time. I suppose it’s a wonderful thing. I feel as though the years will slip by right before my eyes if I’m not careful and disregard what my soul has been hinting to.

Oh what to do. Have any of you satisfied your traveling souls?


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