Spending like a drunken sailor.

December 12, 2010 § Leave a comment

For the sake of accountability, I’m going to throw my financial biz out there. That way I can keep myself in check, and all those of you reading can slap me on my wrists when I don’t follow the plan or give me a cookie when I do!

Okay. I’m going to blame my situation on the fact that I was sucked into credit cards as a college student. Didn’t know or fully understand the scope of responsibility that came with owning a credit card – or for that matter – THREE.

As an official adult – going on 25 years old in March – I really want to crack down and create a plan for my future and financial health. Living paycheck to paycheck is not the ideal situation I want to be in for the rest of my life.

I’m not letting the ship take sail anymore. No more spending like a drunken sailor! I’m going to have to pick and choose what to sacrifice, and for how long. So for right now no random shopping, clubbing, dinners, and outrageous vacations.  Also what was confusing for me is what debt do I start paying down? So I found this Debt Reduction Calculator that helped me start my plan.

My student loan and car loan are the least of my worries. They are my biggest debts, but are investments for my future. My credit cards however are the opposite.  

So from now on I’m going to hide my credit cards at home, and any extra money that comes my way I’m going to use towards reducing my debt. No more random shopping with Christmas or birthday monies! Any overtime work – same thing – going towards reducing my debt.

What I can spare every month, I’m going to split between my three credit cards.

This is what the calculator resulted:

If you pay $278.04 a month, it will take you 2 years to pay off your credit cards.

Based on your current combined balance of $5,692.00, you will pay a total of $1,021.03 in interest.

Oh well, that’s what I get for being sucked into consumerism.

Here’s what to do first
APR Current
Month 1
Time to
pay off
Capital 17.99% $702.00 $128.04 6 months
Discover 17.99% $4,711.00 $100.00 2 years
Visa 14.65% $279.00 $50.00 11 months

I will update every month, and recalculate my debt to watch that interest go DOWN! I’m giving myself a two year deadline.

Cheers to financial health by 2012!

Dear Arizonian.

December 11, 2010 § 1 Comment

You have  been a friend that I can go to for anything and everything.

The best friend. The best-est friend.

We found ourselves 692 miles apart as life went on, but we always found a way to stay connected. That is a true friendship. What is 692 miles? Nothing.

2010 marks ten years of our friendship with unforgettable memories.

Our bus ride to Disneyland, your birthday in Chico, clubbing in Fresno, the angel who saved us in San Francisco, QUA Spa at Caesars Palace, shopping and more shopping, downtown Scottsdale, getting serenaded to on the gondola ride, Angels & Airwaves concert, Dave & Busters, meeting half way in Vegas, laughs at your Grandma’s pool, Chef’s dinner, Renaissance Faire…it goes on and on.

For me, I’d have to say that tubing down the Salt River for five hours tops my list of unforgettable memories. 

It was our first time tubing, but you did the research. We were equipped with a floating cooler fully packed with beer, rope and sheets to wrap our tubes, SPF 80 sunscreen (duh, it’s the desert), a freshly baked large pizza, and towels. We hopped on the bus and cracked open a beer. We were set.

Upon arriving at the bank of the river, we got organized while the experienced tubers eagerly started down the river. Slowly but surely, we managed to get on our tubes, fully relax and soak in the sun.  

After an hour of pure bliss, we noticed in the distance the river split. Panicked we looked at each other with one question in mind- Left or Right?! No tubers in sight, no asking for directions. Nothing surrounded us but deserted canyons. As we pondered the logical answer, fate decided to float us down the left side. 

Fate proceeded to introduce us to RAPIDS.

Foot to hand, hand to foot…we held on – tight.

We bounced down the river like a pinball. Water splashed everywhere and then the pizza slipped off the cooler and fell into the river. (If only I took another slice!) Then went our towels…and shirts. Not sure whether to scream or laugh at the bizarre situation, we edged quickly towards the sharp rocks. Holding on to each other, we used our one free hand as paddles to guide us until the rapids were no more.

Finally we caught up to the rest of the tubers, and later found a slice of mushroom floating down the river with us followed by a slice of pizza. Haha.

Floating down that river, I experienced pure relaxation, shock, laughs, confusion, awe, and a near death experience. Good times.

Tired, soar, starving and happy, we went home. A hot shower and a bed never felt so comfortable.

Let’s look forward to the next 10 years of our friendship. The laughs, tears, celebrations and adventures. (Next on the list: EUROPE!)



Way over due.

December 9, 2010 § 2 Comments

Give it back already!

How many times have I asked for it…nicely? Demanding for you to please send it back to me. Begging you. Then annoyed to the point of serious frustration?

I lost count honestly.

When people break up, there is always something that gets left behind. In my case, my entire collection of Pirates of the Caribbean, Family Guy and random favorite movies. Not to mention…the THING that I’ve been asking for.

Give it back already!

I can care less about the movies, I’ve replaced them all (thanks to finding the amazing Reckless Records during my trip to Chicago).

But the ONE thing that I’ve constantly been asking for I’ve gotten replied with I’ll mail it to you next week, I’ll bring it down next time I’m in town…

You claim you don’t even use it.

It’s been 8 months.

I just please want my laptop back.

Climbing through the window.

December 8, 2010 § 1 Comment

Everyday I feel like I walk through the same door, doing the same routine. Nothing new, nothing exciting. It’s like muscle memory. It takes no thought, no brain power. Just do, and then once done…. ::sigh:: Nothing changes.

Yesterday I feel like I climbed through the window, inhaled in all the fresh air into my lungs and for the first time in a while felt like I was experiencing what life has to offer me. Sometimes you have to take a detour, hike up your skirt and climb through the window.

I did. Only endless possibilities are in store now. I must show my worth, show what I can bring to the table…and I will.

Details to follow 🙂

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