The Proposal is hilarious!

June 24, 2009 § Leave a comment


That’s exactly how I shall describe The Proposal. I went to the movies with my best movie pal- Jennie…and we couldn’t stop laughing. It was one of those movies that even after a funny part ended, there are still people in the theater laughing – and I mean full on laughter. That movie was one of the best romantic comedies I have seen in a shwhile! Talk about two sexy beings coming together to create a unique movie. If you haven’t seen it- it’s a must! Doesn’t matter if your male or female, both will get great laughs! I don’t want to spoil anything…but I love that movie so much I don’t mind seeing it in theaters again lol.


2:24 PM.

June 23, 2009 § 2 Comments

Hmm…so here I am at home, obviously on the computer, BORED. Let’s see my plan this morning was to sleep in, but since my body has been so use to waking up early… I woke up at 4 am, 7 am and 8 am…finally getting out of bed at 9:50 am. I went to the gym for a good hour and a half, and now I feel rejuvenated! I ate a good hearty lunch too. Now I just want to lounge around- until I must do something.

PLANS 4 Today:

I must wash my car. (it’s grosss)

Go to costco to print photos. (to send to my grandma in korea)

Movies with Jennie (thinking about watching the proposal)

Before bed.

June 22, 2009 § Leave a comment

Monday. First day of the week is over, but it’s my Friday. Sigh. My house is silent. Everyone has work or school tomorrow- except for me. I’m curled on our futon that has a mattress that always seems to slowly slide off onto the floor. The big cat is asleep. The little cat is no where to be seen. Man I’m pooped. I worked 6am shifts the last two days and today until 8pm. I must catch up on my sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Tired. Goodnight. ZZzzz…

Ever wonder why?

June 14, 2009 § Leave a comment

Why did I do this? Why did I do that? Did you ever wonder why?

I’m sure we question ourselves all the time- that is what makes us human I suppose. It just messes me up as I get older and realize that there were so many choices I could have made to lead me into a whole other life.

What if I didn’t go to college right out of high school? What if I didn’t chose Chico State? What if I decided to move to Fremont and transfer to San Jose State? What if I did change my major to interior design? What if I did join the Air Force instead of applying for jobs at home? What if I didn’t get hired at the Hyatt? What if I didn’t move home after college? Man…honestly the list could go on but I think you get the picture.

I feel alot of my decisions in life are based on my mom. She always has had a strong voice in my life- but she always has understood that in certain situations I’m still going to do what I want to do. But then sometimes I feel like I was taught to do something and told to do something so many times I “think” it’s what I want to do.

Yea but then again- in reality- I don’t think anyone REALLY knows what they want. I think we are all confused just trying to live and survive everyday. I feel like I can dream and imagine all I want- but it takes real guts to do something extraordinary. To do something out of the ordinary- different.

Have you seen the new movie Revolutionary Road? It was just like they were fed up with living the way everyone expected. What was the point- it wasn’t those other people’s lives, it was their own lives.  So why not change the scenery, change your attitude, change whatever you want as long as you are happy. Who cares what other people think.

I just know soon enough- I’m going to have to make a decision. Everyone might not like it, everyone might not understand, but it’s my life. I want to know that I’m living it the best that I can. We only live once people- so why not do something extraordinary?


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